Hello all! Shelby here. I am so glad you found your way onto my blog! In honor of this new adventure, I decided to share a bit with each of you on who I am, how I grew up, and my favorite things.
Today, I’m going to share 20+ random facts with you about me! Some of you may know these, some might not - but I’m excited to share more about who I am and how I got here.
Let’s start with some basics!
1. I grew up in a small town in West Alabama and lived there until I was over 24 years old. Although considered a tiny little hole-in-the-wall town without much to look at, I always get this real sense of nostalgia and bliss when I roll onto Highway 17 off of the interstate. My hometown of Livingston is full of rich history and beauty that I forget how blessed I am to grow up in such a close-knit, loving town.
2. I attended the University of West Alabama for my undergrad and have a degree in Integrated Marketing Communications.
3. Why Marketing Communications? Honestly, my major changed 360º from the time I took my first college class until the day I graduated. I chose UWA because of its amazing Athletic Training program, and I dreamt of standing on the sidelines of college football games. Less than two months into school, I realized that I wasn’t where I belonged. I needed a creative outlet and a job that would let me continue to do that for the rest of my life. I loved to write and create things - hence, Marketing Communications.
4. With a small department for my degree (at the time) - I had a very close nit group of friends that called ourselves the “Dream Team.” These are still some of my dearest friends and favorite people to this day. One of them even moved to Australia to pursue his dreams after college (that’s you, Dylan!) Praise Jesus for FaceTime!
5. I am a huge fan of adventure. I love last-minute road trips or car jam sessions with my sisters. Road trips across the country with them are my fave.
6. I’ve only traveled to two different countries, but I have a bucket list so long it’s hard to count! Next on the list: Australia or Scotland!
7. I love good friends and late-night sleepovers. Those types of friends who can get together and do nothing but talk nonstop, pig out on junk food, give each other makeovers, and still have the best times of their lives. Those nights with those friends are my real way to my soul.
A little bit about my family…
8. I come from a pretty small (but super close) family. I have two younger sisters, Haley and Michelle. Haley is 3 years younger than me and completing her graduate degree in Speech Pathology at the University of Montevallo. Honestly, sometimes I feel like Haley is the big sister - she is so wise beyond her years, and I'm honored to be her big sis. Michelle is 6 years younger, but I swear sometimes we are twins separated at birth. She is finishing up her sophomore year at the University of West Alabama where she is also studying Integrated Marketing Communications. (Taking after her big sis - and I’m not going to act like that doesn’t fill me with pride.) She is such a special human with a laugh so contagious she could make anyone want to be her best friend. Just ask her to tell you a story she thinks is funny - it’s the best way to brighten your day in an instance.
9. My parents are two of my biggest supporters and role models throughout my life. My dad is the pastor of a small church about 15 minutes outside of my hometown - the very church I was raised in. My mom is the director of clinic operations at a local hospital. I’m so thankful to have been raised by two incredible, God-fearing people who taught me to think for myself, know what is right, and always treat others with kindness.
10. I met my now-husband on the day I moved into my dorm for college my freshman year. I was seventeen. After a few years of being friends, we started dating and five and a half years later, Graham proposed to me in front of Cinderella’s castle in Disney World. We were married this past November, just over eight years from the day we met.
11. You know those dreamy videos on Facebook showing the tropical huts on the water in Bora Bora? Yeah, I’ve been there. Graham and I saved all of our pennies and went to Bora Bora for our honeymoon. It was the most magical, amazing week of my life. And we’ve already started saving our money to go back!

A few random things about me…
12. I have a serious love for shoes that goes back as long as I can remember. I honestly can’t count how many shoes are overflowing into my walk-in closet. (My husband hates it but that’s just a love a can’t give up!)
13. Let’s talk about the Jonas Brothers. Yes, I’m one of those girls. Yes, I saw them on the Burnin Up tour in 2008. Yes, I will see them again. Cause let’s be real - Nick Jonas is 🔥
14. I’m a sucker for a good book, and I find the best way to relax is to curl up and read a really good novel. And, although I love the classics, my real favorites are fictional novels (especially series!) Some of my favorites are The Fault in Our Stars, The Selection series, The Hunger Games series, Outlander, and Looking for Alaska.
15. I typically listen to pop music or a mix of indie/pop. My favorite artists are a mixture of different genres but I love them all so incredibly much. 1. Taylor Swift (Do I really need to explain this one? She’s Taylor. And she is INCREDIBLE live. If you haven’t seen her, save your pennies and go. SO worth it!) 2. Ed Sheeran (Once again - amazingly talented! I just wish he could serenade me to sleep every night. Not sure how my husband would feel about that LOL.) 3. Christina Perri (She’s perfect and timeless and everything I could ever hope to be as a human. And on top of that, her voice is like an angel.) 4. Lennon Stella (Yes, that girl from the TV show Nashville. She is killing it at her own music now, and she is going to be a freakin superstar.) I'm also a new lover of Halsey, Camila Cabello + Shawn Mendes - and the list could go on and on!
16. My favorite foods in all of the world are sushi and pizza.
17. I have a love/hate relationship with working out - but the adrenaline you feel after a great cardio workout. That’s my fave!
18. I’ve been a certified coffee addict since I was in the womb. I can thank my mom for that. Nothing beats a great cup of coffee - and yes the barista at my local Starbucks knows me by name. I should probably own stock in that company by now LOL.
19. I like to believe there’s good in everyone. I forgive way too easily, but at the end of the day, I like to believe every person has good in their heart.
20. I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. There are times I question why, but I know God’s in control, and his plans are far bigger than me.
21. Over the last few years, I have been working on being confident in who I am and standing up for what I believe in always. Still working on this one, but I’m getting better every day.
22. If you haven’t figured it out by my proposal, I’m a total Dis-nerd. There is absolutely nothing better than a good Disney movie and no better vacation than one with Mickey Mouse.
23. I'm obsessed with Blake Lively and Sophia Bush - no explanation necessary.
24. I’m a tv show binging crazy person and my all-time faves are One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, Nashville, Glee, Vampire Diaries, New Girl, and Outlander.
If you couldn’t guess from this post, I also like to write - and I talk a lot. LOL. So, although this was a bit longer than most of our posts will be, I hope you found it enlightening and that you learned a thing or two about me!
Stay tuned for more from me on this amazing journey!